Tag: Frank Zappa

More Zappa on Politics

This'll probably be the last one of these for awhile.

Per uploader dannen59, "It's from an Austrian documentary called "Das Beste von Frank Zappa - 20 Jahre Extravaganza 1969-1989"."

In a parallel universe somewhere, the 1992 election featured Bush, Clinton, Perot, Zappa, and Nader. A man can dream...

Registered Voter

If you don't register, you can't vote and if you don't vote, democracy doesn't work. Amendments 1 and 26

I was going to link to where you could buy this most excellent T-shirt, but it appears that Barko-Swill has sold out. I suppose it's probably in pretty high demand about now.

But fortunately, I could still get these good photos of it, courtesy of Kozmic Dreams.

Go vote. Tomorrow. Tuesday the 6th. If you don't, the wrong lizard might get in.

PSA's: Vote

Posted one of these back on 9/28; here's the whole set, complete with banter in-between takes.

It's too late to register in most places, but check your locale anyway to see if same-day registration is available.

And get out there and vote. Even if you're as dissatisfied with the choices for President as I am, there are local candidates and ballot initiatives where your vote does matter. Find something to support and go do it.

The election's on Tuesday.

Grand Wazoo

Grand Wazoo Orchestra plays Grand Wazoo, September '72. Uploaded by Whoaduderighteous.


And talking of old horror movies, here's Zappa Plays Zappa with Cheepnis.

Bowling On Charen

Via the uploader (tomtiddler1 once again!):

AUDIO: Guitar solo from Wild Love, The Palladium, New York City, October 28th, 1977 (Early Show)

Mighty fine audio quality.