Tag: Frank Zappa

Brown Shoes

Per uploader Dagomir Marquezi:

One of Frank Zappa's micro-operas. By Mike Keneally and the Orchestra of Our Time, conducted by Joel Thome. Recorded at the Ritz, New York, November 1991.

"Be a jerk, go to work" -- here's hopin'.

(Note: I would not apply the phrase "here's hopin'" to any other lyric in this song.)

How's Your Bird?

And speaking of birds:

Uploader mewrth sez:

One of Frank Zappa's early records from Cucamonga, with Ray Collins on vocals. This record is the A-side to 'The Worlds Greatest Sinner' on Donna Records, cut at Studio Z in 1963. Snork r&b at its best!

Music is the Best

And here, for contrast, are Ossi Duri and Ike Willis 3 years later, performing Packard Goose. Vinadio, Italy, July 2004.


Covered by a group called Ossi Duri, 2001 -- according to uploader ossiduritube, they were only 15 or 16 years old.

The man on lead guitar and vocals is, of course, the great Ike Willis.

On Mozart

It's interesting -- Zappa talks about Mozart the man (or, more accurately, Mozart the boy) and doesn't say much about him as a composer -- obviously everybody else has that one covered.

The plight of fetishizing dead creators to the detriment of live ones is something I've often thought about -- remember the story a year or two back where people in Tucson freaked the fuck out because the local paper was going to pull Peanuts?

Disco Boy cover

This time I mean "cover" as in "cover tune". Disco Boy as performed by a group called Boetlek, 2002.

Over-Nite Sensation cover

That's "cover" as in "album cover", not "cover tune". This is a feature on the cover of Over-Nite Sensation, with Dave McMacken, the artist who painted it.

(And so we're clear: even though it's just two dudes discussing an album cover -- still NSFW here.)

I told the story of when my dad bought his first three Zappa CD's and let me have two of them. He never did get much into CD's as a format, and this is part of why -- he showed me this album cover and said "Look at this tiny little thing. When you buy it on vinyl, it's this big; used to be when you bought an album, you got art."

Wind Up Workin' in a Gas Station

Zappa Plays Zappa. According to uploader tsaromero2008, the recording is from a show in Chicago, 2008.

I do not expect that I will wind up working in a gas station.