Tag: Frank Zappa

Nite Life, Part 1

Nite Life, David Brenner's talk show, 1986.

The reference to the Crusades is interesting -- there's an old Simpsons where Roger Myers Sr., defending Itchy & Scratchy and cartoon violence, points out that the Crusades happened before animation was even invented. Knowing what a Zappa fan Groening is, I wonder if he picked up that comparison here.


El Paso, 1975; soundboard recording uploaded by MyNameIsKojak.

Seal Call Fusion Music

Per uploader zappainfrance:

Seal Call Fusion Music 3:14
"We Don't Mess Around" Circus Krone, Munich/Sept. 8, 1978
includes quotes from "Day By Day" (Stordahl/Weston/Cahn)
and "Penguin In Bondage" (Frank Zappa)

(And yes, you may have seen this briefly posted last night and then promptly yanked when I realized I'd accidentally posted two Zappa videos on the same day. I am trying to get them scheduled in advance given my busy schedule this week, and I managed to confuse my sleep-deprived self.)

Stick It Out

A favorite from Joe's Garage; it taught me all the German I know.

Geneva, 1980; uploaded by Jimmie B. Extra-NSFW, even by Zappa standards.


Another piece of unused footage intended to be used in Uncle Meat, courtesy of Ed Seeman. Via Ed:

It shows Cal Schenkel creating the Zappa likeness statue to be used for the cover of "WE'RE ONLY IN IT FOR THE MONEY"