Category: Music

Roelof Kiers Documentary, Part 2

More on Frank's influences, Call Any Vegetable, and some time with the family and the GTO's. There's a naked baby Dweezil, in case that's something you're concerned about, and Miss Lucy's frank discussion of being a groupie lands this pretty squarely in NSFW territory.

Roelof Kiers Documentary, Part 1

A Dutch documentary from 1971. In this segment, Zappa talks about being a juvenile delinquent, becoming interested in R&B guitar, and being influenced by Edgard Varèse.

Live In-Person Replication of Freeze-Dried Material -> Milli Vanilli-ism

You know who knows how to put on a concert that doesn't sound like an album? Bob Dylan. I've seen him a couple times -- you can't even sing along; even if you know the lyrics he completely changes the rhythm and phrasing. (And yes there is an easy joke in there somewhere about not being able to understand Dylan's lyrics. But even if you do!)

You've probably noticed by now that Frank's concert arrangements were not the same as the album arrangements -- and that's without even getting into improvisation.

I never got to see Frank live; he died when I was 11 years old. But I've seen Zappa Plays Zappa some 3 or 4 times, and it's fucking delightful how different it is from what's on Frank's albums. (There are plenty of examples but the one that jumps out at me is Dirty Love -- maybe 3, 4 years ago? Woo woo!)

Can't imagine why anyone would go to a fucking concert to duplicate the experience of listening to a recording. I want to be surprised and delighted.


Paris, 1984. Uploaded by somebody named wazoo17 -- have a feeling I'll be using more of his videos in the future.


Well, an update to the earlier, written-in-advance post: I can now update My current career trajectory is "Oh good, I haven't been laid off this week." to My current career trajectory is "Oh good, I'm not laid off for three more weeks."

I am, as you might expect, less than entirely sanguine about this turn of events.

And so, Broken Hearts Are for Assholes.

(Also: Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?)

The uploader, headofshinobi, says this is Elio e le Storie Tese, featuring Ike Willis.

I always kinda wanted to do a video that combined Broken Hearts Are for Assholes with Rocky Horror. Because, you know, brokenhearted asshole.


A medley including Dog Breath, Uncle Meat, and Building a Girl.

St. Paul Civic Center, 1974. Courtesy of YourArf.

Mr. Green Genes Medley

Son of Mr. Green Genes, King Kong, Chunga's Revenge. Armadillo World Headquarters, Texas, 1973. And isn't "Armadillo World Headquarters" the perfect name for a venue for Frank Zappa to play in?

Courtesy, once again, of tomtiddler1. This guy is amazing.