When we last left our heroes...
Brentai the Hentai |
Greetings, Merchant! I would like employment at your place of establishment. |
Mysterious Shadowy Merchant |
What are your qualabilities? |
Brentai the Hentai |
I am a very professional person. I have even dry-cleaned my jeans! |
Mysterious Shadowy Merchant |
Very impressive, but we already have an applicant that polishes his sneakers. Guess you lose out. |
Brentai the Hentai |
Damn! Guess I'll go grab a bus back then. Good sir, has the 205 been by yet? |
Wise Old Shuttle Cock |
Eeyup. |
Brentai the Hentai |
Damnation! When does the next one go by? |
Wise Old Shuttle Cock |
Just left along with the other one. |
Brentai the Hentai |
Wait, wait, you mean to say that they're scheduled to run together? |
Wise Old Shuttle Cock |
Eeyup. |
Hours later...
Brentai the Hentai |
Hey guys, I just got back from the Mysterious Shadowy Merchant's place of establishment! Motherfucker gave me a job there because I polished my sneakers. |
Brentai the Hentai |
Wow, it's an evil robot me! Man, my mullet is beautiful. |
Braddy Slick |
What are we going to do? |
Stevie T. |
Wait! I have an idea that will solve everything! |
Braddy Slick |
Where the heck did you come from? |
Stevie T. |
I was behind the Parappa the Rapper display jerking off to erotic pictures of Katy Kat. Anyway, this plan is foolproof and hinges entirely on the fact that today is Wednesday. |
Stevie T. |
FUK! Oh well, let's try it anyway. |
Whisper whisper whisper whisper whisper...
Braddy Slick |
Booya, bitch! I hid a bag of Combos in that case of 40s! |
Evil Robot Brentai |
Aw, crap. Catch ya later, Brentai! |
Brentai the Hentai |
Catch ya later, Brentai! |
Thadd-O |
And so the day is saved, thanks to... |
Stevie T. |
What the fuck? We just had a Trinity adventure with an evil robot and not once did anybody use the phrase "Evil Robot Chubby". |
Thadd-O |
You're right. Rewind! |