United States Senate |
o/~ Jingle Bells, Brentai smells, Luke has got the gay! Stiv and Thad in bed are bad and Brad's the mayor of Tempe! o/~ |
Frodo |
Excuse me, Mr. Ashcroft, but shouldn't they be passing more legislation against buildings spontaneously combusting instead of being forced to sing Christmas songs for you all day? |
John Ashcroft |
What are you, some kind of terrorist? |
Frodo |
What? No! I just said... |
John Ashcroft |
I heard what you said! You just said... erm... what's that thing... that thing that explodes? |
Frodo |
A middle class salaryworker in a tall building? |
John Ashcroft |
No, no, the thing that's SUPPOSED to explode. |
John Ashcroft |
There! He said bomb! |
Frodo |
But YOU just said bomb! |
John Ashcroft |
He said bomb twice! Off with his head! |
John Ashcroft |
Oh, okay, my evil plan. Ahem. Everyone ready? |
Ambiguously Gay Greg |
Nope, just gay. |
John Ashcroft |
It is written on the Generic Artifact that he who makes the U.S. Senate sing the Hidden Song of Summoning will be able to summon The Beast, who will be forced to do the summoner's bidding before he can blow up the world. |
John Ashcroft |
Using the power of The Beast, I will finally be able to destroy that Satan-spawn, Santa Claus, and bring Christmas back to being a celebration of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ in Heaven. |
Frodo |
And explode the world, you loony git! |
John Ashcroft |
I fail to see the problem with that. Armageddon gives me a God-boner. |
Frodo |
Ooookay. But what if, say, a criminal mastermind were to stop you or The Beast? What then? |
John Ashcroft |
Impossible. The Beast has no weaknesses! Well, except for the sound of One Heart, One Voice, and One Song. But such a thing belongs to nobody! Ha ha! |
Frodo |
Well, Mr. Ashcroft, you've been most informative. |
John Ashcroft |
Too bad there's no chance that you can possibly escape your death, huh? |
Frodo |
Pretty much. Here, hold this wire. |
John Ashcroft |
Okay. Hmm, what could this be f... |
John Ashcroft |
United States Senate |
o/~ Fool the villain with obvious setups, fa la la la la, la la la la! o/~ |
Brentai |
Hey Stiv, pass the ham would you? |
Thad |
Some more turkey for me, please. |
Brad |
Can I have some cranberry sauce? |
Knock fuckity knock, Trinity! |
Brentai |
Look, if you're selling Dianetics... it's YOU! |
Scott Sharkey II |
How are you gent... shut up. Look, I know we're arch... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON BACK THERE? |
Brentai |
Nothing is going on back there. |
Scott Sharkey II |
You're not wearing pants, Brent. |
Brentai |
I am wearing pants. |
Brentai |
These are not the droids you're looking for. |
Scott Sharkey II |
Would you stop waving your hand in my face? |
Scott Sharkey II |
Look, I know we're archenemies but I need your help. |
Brentai |
We're archenemies? Hey guys, is Sharkey our archenemy? |
Thad |
I thought that was Dr. Billy. |
Brad |
I thought it was stale Combos. |
Scott Sharkey II |
What? Of course I'm your archenemy! I lead The Enemy! We fight all the time, like ninjas! |
Thad |
But we've never fought you before. |
Scott Sharkey II |
That's... uh, true. Look, the fate of the world hangs in the balance here! Moreso than usual! And this is a Christmas special! So let's team the fuck up! |
Thad |
Sure. Want some lamb? |
Scott Sharkey II |
God I hate Christmas. |
John Ashcroft |
Ha! You're too late! |
Thad |
No we're not. You're still just making them sing Christmas carols. |
United States Senate |
o/~ Alex Chiu! What a screw! He's so fly! Cannot die! Always wearing his magnetic rings, never punctual sending things! Have eternal li-ife! For a lo-ow price! o/~ |
Scott Sharkey II |
Christmas songs blow the cranberry sauce. Here, you guys play this. |
John Edwards |
o/~ Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bombara Anne! o/~ |
John Kerry |
o/~ Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bombara Anne!! o/~ |
John Ashcroft |
Terrorist!! |
Joe Lieberman |
o/~ Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bombara Anne!!! o/~ |
John Ashcroft |
Terrorist!!! |
Osama bin Laden |
o/~ Bomb Bomb Bomb, BOMB BOMBARA ANNE!!!!! o/~ |
John Ashcroft |
United States Senate |
o/~ Bombara A-a-anne! Please take my ha-a-and! You got me rockin' and a rollin', rockin' and a wheelin' Bombara Anne! o/~ |
Osama bin Laden |
o/~ Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bombara Anne. o/~ |
WHO SUMMONS ME?!?!?!?! |
John Ashcroft |
Oh, wow. Uh, I do, oh Beast! |
Thad |
Actually, Sharkey did. |
Scott Sharkey II |
It was a mistake! I need a do over. |
Make your wish, oh son of Sharks, so that I may destroy this world! |
Scott Sharkey II |
I wish for more wishes. |
No fuzzy dice, Fishy. |
Scott Sharkey II |
I wish for you to not destroy the world? |
Sure, I can do that. And when I'm done, I destroy the world. |
Scott Sharkey II |
Okay, okay. Um, uuuuuuuuum... |
John Ashcroft |
You wish for Santa Claus to die. |
Scott Sharkey II |
Not really. |
John Ashcroft |
You wish for Santa Claus to die. |
Scott Sharkey II |
Stop waving your hand in front of my face. |
John Ashcroft |
You wish... |
Scott Sharkey II |
Beast, kill John Ashcroft. |
Aleister Crowley |
John Ashcroft |
TerrorAAAAAIEGH... |
Aleister Crowley |
*gobble* *snarf* *snap* |
Stevie T. |
So The Beast is Aleister Crowley? |
Aleister Crowley |
Yeah, aren't I? |
Scott Sharkey II |
Now I REALLY wish I hadn't done that. |
Aleister Crowley |
Muwahaha! Eat Bomb! EAT Bomb! And now, I will Eat Bomb the world! |
Thad |
This looks pretty bad. Guess I'll have to use my Final Summoning. This is gonna kill me... you guys all right with that? |
Scott Sharkey II |
Well, er, yeah. I'm pretty down with that. |
Stevie T. |
Man, the F in this KFC certainly doesn't stand for Fried! |
Wil Wheaton |
The heck? I've been summoned? |
Thad |
I've given my life for that? Fuck. Dies. |
Scott Sharkey II |
Wait a minute. Wil! Sing me a song! |
Wil Wheaton |
o/~ My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like, "What the fuck is up with that milkshake?" o/~ |
Stevie T. |
Dude, you so cannot rap. |
Wil Wheaton |
o/~ No shit, I so cannot rap. o/~ |
Scott Sharkey II |
One heart, one voice, one song. |
Aleister Crowley |
...a nobody. Oh for the love of... |
Scott Sharkey II |
And now without your leader, I... |
Thad |
Yo, biznatches. I'm back. |
Scott Sharkey II |
What the fuck? |
Thad |
Spirit a' Christmas, boiiiii. |
Wil Wheaton |
Word to your mother! |
Scott Sharkey II |
I fucking hate Christmas. Later, dorkgrabbers! |
Brad |
Hurf blurf smurf... Hey Wil, you want in on this shit? |
Wil Wheaton |
Got any Tribbles? |
Wil Wheaton |
Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life in the Capitol. |
Thad |
And so, Christmas and the World are saved, thanks to the Mighty Trinity! |
Brentai |
Actually, Sharkey saved Christmas. We just saved the world. |
Thad |
Actually, I just saved the world. You guys put your dicks in things the whole time. |
Brentai |
Well God bless us, every one. |
Buddy Christ |
And a very merry Christmas from the birthday boy himself. |