Wait a minute, Brenteye. What was that you were saying earlier about not having any powers? Don't you have, like, super vision or some shit? |
You'd keep your powers secret too if it meant that Harlot Bitch wouldn't catch on to the fact that you've been watching her undress from 100 miles away. |
"Harlot Bitch"? What kind of a parody name is
that? |
I'd just like to remind everyone that I am currently known as "Yellowjackass". Thank you. |
And anyway, super sight is just a lame power. At least I'm made entirely out of space cum. Now let's stop bickering and go kick Stephen Hawking's ass. |
Er... about that. Don't you think it's a tad
extreme transforming into our secret superhero forms just to beat
on a helpless guy in a wheelchair? The man can't even really speak, for
crying out loud. |
Yes. All. I. want.ed. was. to. sell. you. a.
Flesh.light. That. was. my.
on.ly. crime. |
And you weren't made out of pie. Don't forget
that. |
Would. you. hate. a. man. sim.ply. be.cause. he.
does. not. con.tain. peach.es? |
That's not it, though, you guys... Hawking's voice
was the last one I wanted to hear talking about dildos... |
Well, I can understand that... |
No, you don't understand at all... that voice... |
can't... look... |
Oh, there he is! See him? |
Where? I don't see...
Made'ja look. |
While you were all busy looking at mullet porn, I
have revealed my true true TRUE true form. |
Wait a minute, that's not Dr. Hawking in a
wheelchair at all! It's Dr. Billy in a wheelchair! |
And he's still not made out of pie... |
Somehow, my inhibitions against beating the
handicapped are starting to fade. |
And now a riddle: how do you keep three assholes in
suspense? |
I dunno. How? |